Mark Woolman – Osteopath
I graduated with a masters degree in osteopathy (M.Ost) from the British School of Osteopathy. I have undertaken extensive further postgraduate training in Classical Osteopathy including treating at the London Clinic of Classical Osteopathy (LCCO).
As part of my classical approach I work with my patients to develop a stronger more balanced spine and posture. This helps them adapt better to their physical demands and activities. I look at ergonomics, relaxation and other lifestyle factors as I believe these are big factors in helping my patients to stop problems recurring.
I have particular interest in treatment and management of problems arising from recurrent or chronic pains.
In addition, for many years, I previously ran a South London clinic for family carers, addressing physical problems associated with the role of long term caring including lifting injuries.
I am a registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and a member of the Institute of Osteopathy (IO) and Institute of Classical Osteopathy (ICO).
About Osteopathy
Osteopathy is a safe and gentle form of manual therapy. It is a way of detecting, treating and preventing health problems by moving and stretching a person’s muscles and joints.
Osteopaths work holistically. This means that as well as diagnosing specific structures that are under stress or strain, they look to see why this is happening within the patient’s body and related life style factors which can contribute, such as sitting posture or lifting techniques. This approach helps to return patients to optimum function and reduce stress.